Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Pawb

Well a happy new year everybody.
2020 really was a flat year. Each and everyone of us have a story to tell, some of which I was privileged to hear, when you popped into the shop.
As I write we are in lockdown and waiting to hear when we will be able to open up again. So with all this time away from the shop I've been busy working on my website with a lot of help from Alwyn who is the brains behind Jerboa Media and hopefully over the course of the next week you'll see the final result.
I say time away from the shop but in reality I am popping in each day and packing up the various orders that you are putting my way and I cant say thank you enough for all your support.
Lock down has also given me time to look for even more lovely goodies for the shop and when we do open up you'll start to see these coming in. The attached picture is just a little sample of what is coming.
I can't wait to see you you all when we do open up but in the meantime if you want anything don't hesitate to get in touch and do keep watching me on social media as I get back into painting,after the Christmas rush when there never seems time to pick up a brush.
Stay safe and see you all soon